S. Ali Moosvi retired from the role of Executive Officer to the Chief’s General Counsel at the Toronto Police Service after a career spanning over 32 years. With a diverse policing career—ranging from front-line emergency response to major case task force investigations and corporate projects—his experience helped him become a dynamic presenter as he represented the Toronto Police Service at a variety of venues across Canada and the United States; including, training New York Police Department officers at the state-of-the-art NYPD Academy in Queens, New York. Ali is a strong advocate for improving mental health in the workplace and facilitates training for first responders and trauma responders, from across Ontario, on this topic.
In addition to presenting at the 2018 Expert Witness Conference, 2017 Law of Policing Conference, the 2015 Conference of the American Psychological Association’s Division 18, Police and Public Safety Psychologists, and the 2015 Conference of the State and Provincial Police Academy Directors (SPADDS), Ali has represented the Toronto Police Service at both International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) events.
Ali also has decades of private-sector business administration knowledge and experience which he has leveraged while building his own business development company. He leads a creative team with services ranging from publishing, marketing, and brand management to coaching, consulting, and policy development. Ali finds incredible gratification in connecting skilled people with the people who need them.